Saturday 26 November saw the return of the Friends of Romsey Abbey Bottle Tombola as an integral attraction within the Abbey Christmas Fair.  The magnificent number of 229 bottles, all donated, made a superb display and ensured a continuous line of hopefuls for one of those with a ‘0’ or a ‘5’.  The generosity of the Friends’ donations ensured that the Bottle Tombola raised a brilliant £604.15 out of the overall total for the Fair of £6040.17.  Despite the current difficult economic situation, the Bottle Tombola income rose over last year by nearly 14%.

The venue for the Fair this year was changed from the Crosfield Hall to the Abbey itself and this proved to be a popular change giving more space for both stalls and visitors and certainly there were plenty of visitors for all the treats on offer.

A great way to round off a year of Friends of Romsey Abbey Events.  Look out for the programme for 2023!